Saturday, February 14, 2009


Today we had to put Angel down.

we were coming home from the store (me and dad) and angel didnt move like usual and we accidentally ran over her. We took her to the vet. they told us she had internal injuries and we had to put her down. i said goodbye to her and told her i was soo sorry and loved her. i was crying. i was so sad and still am. they wrapped her in a pink cloth for us and we took her home. we buried her by a tree and said so sad. im going to miss her greeting me everyday after school and nudging her out of the way when we come outside. she was the best cat anyone could ever have. I love you angel.


Staci Cooper said...

oh my gosh natalie! im so sorryyyy...this makes me really sad to be honest... call me.

Jenna said...

I can't believe Angel is gone! Natalie, I'm so sorry. Thatcher was just saying yesterday that he wanted to see "natalie's cat".

whitney johnson said...

Dear Natalie,
We am so sorry that Angel died. But maybe mom and dad will get you another little kitten? Hope you're feeling better!

Love, Whitney & Aaron